Unveiling The Secret of Cold Brew & Hot Brew: Exploring the Differences In Flavour & Brewing Techniques

To many of us coffeeholics, coffee is more than just a morning ritual. Within the world of coffee, there are 2 specific brewing methods which have become quite popular: Cold Brew & Hot Brew Coffee. While both brewing methods make a delicious cup of coffee, what is the difference between these two brewing techniques and styles? Let us delve into the secrets of cold & hot brew and explore the biggest differences in flavour.

Basics of Hot Brew Coffee:

Hot brew, which is also know as traditional brewing is one of the most common methods of preparing coffee. It involves pouring hot water over ground coffee beans, allowing the flavour of the coffee beans to be extracted quickly into the water. The science behind it, is that the high temperature of the water accelerates the extraction of aromatic oils & flavours from the coffee beans. This therefore results in a rich and robust cup of coffee.

Unveiling the Art of Cold Brew:

Cold brew, as you can guess is coffee that is prepared with cold water. It is a slower and more patient brewing process. It requires steeping coarsely ground coffee beans in cold water for an extended period usually overnight. This gentle extraction process makes a smoother, less acidic and less bitter cup of coffee. 

Flavour Profiles: Hot Brew vs Cold Brew:

Hot brew is known for its boldness and intensity when it comes to flavour. The higher the temperature during extraction leads to the release of more volatile compounds, which results in a complex, bitter & robust flavour profile. The acidity & bitterness are much more pronounced in a hot brew coffee which is one of the biggest flavour differences when comparing the 2 brewing styles.

Cold brew offers a milder and smoother flavour. The extended duration of the brew in cold water produces a cup of coffee that is less bitter, as mentioned above. This method enhances the coffee beans natural sweetness & subtle undertones, creating a refreshing and flavourful beverage that you do not experience often.

The Different Types of Brewing Techniques: Hot Brew vs. Cold Brew:

Hot Brew has various methods such as pour-over, French press, Espresso machines, or drip brewers. Each of these brewing styles differ in the duration it takes to prepare, water temperature and grind size. This allows for an abundance of different flavour profiles, allowing coffee enthusiasts to adventure into each to discover their ultimate favourite. 

 On the other hand, cold brew is incredibly simple, but it does take time. Cold brews need minimum 6 hours to brew, but for optimum results 12 hours is the recommended time. To prepare, simply select your coffee beans, grind them & add them to cold water. Leave them in a pot or mug until the time has passed. The resulting coffee concentrate is then diluted with water or milk before serving, offering flexibility in terms of personal taste preferences. 

How to Correctly Serve Each Brewing Technique:

Are Cold Brew Coffees Stronger than Hot Brew Coffees:

One of the most common questions asked between coffee drinkers, is cold brew stronger? Cold brew is still a new phenomenon and there is a lot to still learn, but it is believed that cold brew coffee releases more caffeine than a hot brew coffee even using the same beans. 

Whether you prefer bold and invigorating flavours of hot brew or the smooth and refreshing qualities of cold brew, both methods offer unique flavour and brewing styles/techniques. With Jura coffee machines, you can have both! So why not embark on a coffee journey and experiment for yourself which you think is the better brew. Shop online and get your perfect Jura machine and dive into coffee paradise.



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